Welcome to my Blog Page!
My Posts
Medium Posts!
- Guide to Improve Test Coverage by Automating Integration Tests
- Automation Framework — Google Guice, Rest Assured and Selenium
- AB Testing Explained
My Projects
GitHib Repos!
- Data Science Supervised Learning Techniques
- Rule Engine Example with Drools
- Chaos Experiment with Spring Boot and H2
- Design Parallel Universe with Spring Boot and MySql
- Design Employee Info with Dropwizard and MongoDB
- Design Push Notification System with Spring Boot and RabbitMQ
- Service Registry with Eureka and Zuul for Gateway
- Spring Boot with Open Feign Client and Hystrix
- Spring Boot with Hateoas (Hypertext as the Engine of Application State) Tutorial
- Spring Boot with Outbox Pattern
- Asymmetric Encryption & Decryption of Data
- Generate Millions of Records and store in CSV
- AOP Beginner-Level Tutorial
- Elastic Search Example
- Kafka Consumer Application
- Kafka Producer Application
- RabbitMQ Producer with Direct Exchange Example
- RabbitMQ Producer with Fanout Exchange Example
- RabbitMQ Consumer Example
- Spring Security Login Example
- WebSocket Example
- Browser Mob Proxy Capturing Requests and Responses
- Robot Framework with Selenium WebDriver
- PyTest Tutorial
- Locust
- JMeter
- Appium
- Cucumber
- Automating capturing Test Metrics using InfluxDB
- Ansible
- Azure Terraform
- ToDoList
- E2E Unit Test Framework
- Cucumber TestNG